No.51 Natural Inhaler Ya Dom

Universal treatment of headache, sickness, vertigo, seasickness, blocked nose, apathy, nervous system disorders. Contains more than 10 types of essential oils and ginseng. Besides that it serves as an excellent counter to unpleasant odors and relieves itch and swelling from insect bites. Ballpoint container is extremely convenient to use in everyday life.
Thai inhaler with essential oils Ya Dom 8 ml
- Headache: rub into the temples with gentle circular motions
- Runny nose: apply to the skin under the nose, lubricate the wings of the nose
- Nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, motion sickness, fainting: rub into the temples and bridge of the nose
- Increased pressure: apply to the occipital region of the head
- Insect bites: Apply to the affected areas of the skin
- After use, do not forget to close the lid - essential oils evaporate very quickly. Does not contain preservatives and surfactants
Individual intolerance, skin damage
Care must be taken to avoid accidentally getting oils in the eyes, nose, or mouth, as this can cause a harmless but unpleasant burning sensation. You can remove oils from the skin with vegetable oil or a nourishing cream, from the mucous membrane of the eyes - with Vaseline.
Camphor, Eucaliptus, Clitriodora oil, Menthol, Myristica Franrans Fruit Extract, Panax Ginseng Root extract, Eugenia caryophullus bud oil, paraffinum liquidum, Piper Nigrum seed extract
Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus, gum tree, Blue mallee is an extensive genus of evergreen woody plants (trees and shrubs) up to 100 meters high in the Myrtaceae family. Australia is considered the country of origin of eucalyptus, and plants of this species are currently widely cultivated throughout the world. On warm and hot days, eucalyptus trees abundantly secrete terpenoids, forming a bluish haze over the groves in calm weather, reminiscent of smog. The Australian Blue Mountains got their name from this phenomenon.
Eucalyptus essential oil has pronounced antiviral and antibacterial properties, which has found its application in folk medicine. Spraying 2% essential oil emulsion kills 70% of staphylococci. This makes it possible to use it for the prevention of infection with airborne infections and the treatment of many infectious diseases.
Studies by domestic scientists have established the immunomodulatory and anticarcinogenic effects of Equaliptus oil. It increases the activity of both the T-link and the B-link of immunity. Its use is indicated for a decrease in nonspecific resistance of the body and secondary immunodeficiencies.
Hot and cold inhalations allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation and congestion in the respiratory organs and nasopharynx, clear the airways and get rid of a runny nose and cough in tracheitis, bronchitis, inflammation and pulmonary tuberculosis.
Mentha arvensis: Field mint, field mint, corn mint is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the Lamiaceae family. Perennial plant with a creeping rhizome, 15-100 cm high. Eurasian species, grows in Europe, Western and Central Asia, the Caucasus, comes to India and Nepal. In Russia, it is found in the North Caucasus, in the European part, Western and Eastern Siberia.
It grows in fields, meadows, along the banks of reservoirs, rivers, lakes, ditches, in swampy areas. It has long been widely used in European and Asian folk medicine. The aerial part of the plant contains up to 2% essential oil (meadow mint oil), the main part of which is menthol and various terpenes.
Menthol is widely used in the modern food and flavor industry and in medicine. In particular, it is the main component of the reflex vasodilator Validol. It has long been widely used in European and Asian folk medicine.
Cinnamomum camphora: Camphor tree, camphor laurel, or camphor cinnamon is an evergreen tree, a species of the genus Cinnamomum of the Lauraceae family. The homeland of the camphor tree is East Asia: the southern and southwestern regions of China, Taiwan, the Japanese islands of Ryukyu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and the Korean island of Jeju. The camphor tree, under the right conditions, can live up to 1,000 years.
Camphor excites the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain.
It is recommended for use to improve microcirculation. Being excreted from the body through the respiratory tract, camphor promotes the separation of sputum and improves the respiratory function of the lungs. The smell of camphor has a calming effect on the human body.
Siam Cardamom: Siam cardamom, กระวานไทย (Thai), Amomum kravanh is the fruit of a perennial herbaceous plant Cardamom real (Elettaria cardamomum) of the Ginger family (Zingiberaceae). The fruits ripen in the third year, they have a very strong aroma with camphor tones and are among the most expensive spices, which is why they are nicknamed the “queen of spices”. The unripe fruits of the plant - boxes, triangular in cross section - are harvested, dried in the sun, then moistened and re-dried. It turns out trihedral white capsules with a length of 0.8 to 1.5 cm.
The homeland of cardamom is the Malabar coast of India and Ceylon. In oriental medicine, it is believed that cardamom helps to remove mucus from the body, and therefore it is used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, colds and coughs. It is used to cleanse the oral cavity and respiration, because it effectively neutralizes the pathogenic flora.
Cardamom seeds contain 3-8% essential oil, which includes fatty oil, as well as terpineol, terpinyl acetate, cineole, and protein. Cardamom oil is widely used in perfumery.
Myristica fragrans: Nutmeg, nutmeg, nutmeg, nutmeg is a small evergreen tree 5-13 m high, belonging to the Muscat family (Myristicaceae). The plant is native to the Moluccas ("Spice Islands") in Indonesia. It is now widely cultivated in tropical countries around the world.
The composition of nutmeg includes: elemicin, myristicin, safrole, methyleugenol and methylisoeugenol. Substances contained in nutmeg produce an intoxicating effect. In combination with other essential oils, they help to relieve the condition of colds, acute respiratory infections and headaches.
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