Healing Set No.3 Liver Cleanse

Cleans, promotes cell regeneration and normalizes liver functions. No.26 Look Tai Bai reduces the dystrophy of liver cells, normalizes liver functions, such as the neutralization of various foreign substances (xenobiotics), in particular, allergens, poisons and toxins, by converting them into harmless, less toxic or easier to remove from the body substances; neutralization and removal from the body of excess hormones, mediators, vitamins, as well as toxic waste and final products of metabolism, for example, ammonia, phenol, ethanol, acetone and ketonic acids; No.21 Lingzhi restores the immune function of the body, reduces the predisposition to allergic reactions.
2 packs - No.26 Look Tai Bai
1 pack - No.21 Lingzhi
- Malfunction of the liver
- Acute and chronic hepatitis
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Fatty hepatosis
- Toxic liver damage (alcohol, drugs, poisons)
- Parasites (opistarchosis, giardiasis, etc.)
Directions for use
- No.26 Look Tai Bai - take 2 capsules 3 times a day after meals from the first to the last day of the course;
- No.21 Lingzhi - take 1 capsule 3 times a day, after meals, along with the reception of the No. 26 Look Tai Bai, from the first to the last day of the course.
Course duration
4 weeks
Pregnancy, lactation
Feedback and questions:
5/5 (19 reviews)

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