Thai Roasted Red Chili 75 gr.

Thai dry roasted red chili is a popular ingredient in many Thai dishes that adds spicy and smoky flavor. The chili peppers are typically dry roasted before being used, which enhances their flavor and makes them easier to grind into a fine powder or paste for cooking.
Thai Red Hot Chili Pepper, a member of the Nightshade family, is one of the bitter varieties of the pepper. It is widely used around the world to add spiciness to various dishes. Chili can be grown in a warm indoor environment or on a windowsill. It produces abundant fruit from July until frost. The spicy, pungent taste of peppers is due to the alkaloid capsaicin. It is used in modern cuisine in fresh and dried forms, as well as frozen and marinated.
Chili pepper is ideal for meat, poultry, and fish dishes, vegetable salads, stews, Asian soups, sauces, and dressings. It blends well with spices such as coriander, fennel, cardamom, and turmeric. Both dry and fresh peppers are used in alcoholic beverages. If you want to reduce the spiciness of chili peppers, you need to remove the white membranes inside the fruit and the seeds completely.
Chili pepper is an integral part of many famous spice blends such as curry, khmeli-suneli, garam masala, shichimi, etc. It does not lose its properties during heat treatment, so it can be used in any dish. If you want to add spiciness to your dishes, chili pepper will be an ideal seasoning.
How to Freeze Pepper: Tips and Recommendations
Before freezing, the pepper should be dipped in boiling water for several minutes. This will help to preserve its freshness and extend the shelf life.
Interesting Facts About Chili Pepper
The spice chili was used by ancient Incas as a seasoning for hot chocolate, and in Europe it was boiled with other spices in noble houses and only later became a dessert. But in addition to its taste qualities, chili pepper also has other useful properties.
Benefits of Chili Pepper for Health
Chili pepper has a powerful antibacterial and antiviral effect due to the large amount of capsaicin, which can kill up to 75% of harmful bacteria. This also helps to boost immunity, especially in the fight against colds.
In addition, chili stimulates the digestive system, increases appetite, lowers blood sugar levels, improves vision, helps with insomnia, anxiety, and depression, and also has a gentle laxative effect and can be beneficial in the fight against excess weight.
How to Use Chili Pepper
But do not overuse chili pepper: it should be consumed in small quantities to avoid negative health effects. In addition, it is not recommended for those with gastrointestinal diseases, liver and kidney diseases, hypertension, allergies, pregnant and nursing women, and children.
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